Sheikh Dr. Nazih Hammad

Sheikh Dr. Nazih Hammad, obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Shari’ah from Damascus University (1967), a Master’s degree from the University of Baghdad, Iraq (1970), and a Doctorate with first-class honors from Cairo University – Faculty of Dar Al-Uloom, Egypt (1973), specializing in “Contracts and Financial Transactions in Comparative Islamic Jurisprudence”. His dissertation was titled: “Rulings of Possession in Contracts in Islamic Jurisprudence”.

He is a retired professor of Islamic jurisprudence and its principles from the College of Shari’ah, Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia (1973-1990).

He has numerous published works, totaling more than 25 books, and many scientific research papers exceeding 50. He supervised over 25 master’s and doctoral theses in Islamic jurisprudence, its principles, and Islamic economics.

He is a permanent appointed member of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, and an appointed member of the Islamic Fiqh Academy affiliated with the Muslim World League in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. He is a keynote speaker at the seminars on the future of Islamic banking organized annually by the Saudi British Bank in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

He is the head of Manhaj Advisory in Dubai and Shari’ah Board of the Islamic Investment Bank City in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the Islamic Investment Fund Limited ((credit Suisse/Guernsey, Channel Islands (CSFB)).

He is a member of the Shari’ah Board of FWU Takaful GmbH in Dubai, and Rating Intelligence Company in the United Kingdom, and the Citi Islamic Global Equity Funds in Luxembourg, and the Islamic Lease Fund (Bank of Australia and New Zealand) in the United Kingdom

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