Sheikh Dr. Amin Fateh

Dr. Amin Fateh holds a bachelor’s and Master’s in honorable Hadith, and a PhD in Islamic studies. He has been part of the Islamic Banking industry ever since its early stages in 1988, initially contributing to the Shari’ah compliance function of Kuwait Finance House.                              Across the years he has work with many of the most prominent Shari’ah scholars in the field. For more than a decade he has lead Islamic Shari’ah advisory Minhaj. He is currently a member of a number of Shari’ah Boards and committees in UAE and across the world, including ENBD-Islamic, EIB and the AAOIFI Shari’ah Committee in UAE.                                                                                      Dr. Amin Fateh lectured in many universities and is a profound bilingual Islamic Finance trainer who has provided many Islamic Finance training courses across the world.

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