Minhaj Advisory aims to become a pioneering academy specialized in providing training, workshops, and international accredited certifications in Islamic finance industry, covering all its segments by cooperating with the prominent Islamic Finance experts.

Over the last decade, Minhaj Advisory’s legacy has been highly utilized to fill the knowledge gap of Islamic Finance professionals in the industry and we are in partnering with the international bodies to ensure the quality human resource development in the global Islamic Finance landscape.

Comprehensive training program for AAOIFI certified Shari’ah auditor CSA
The training program for the Certified Shari’ah Auditor Fellowship aims to provide a deep and comprehensive understanding of Shari’ah principles and rules related to financial and economic activities. It covers a wide range of topics related to Islamic law and its application in financial activities, such as Islamic banking, Islamic investment funds, Islamic insurance, and other relevant areas. The program includes theoretical lectures, interactive workshops, and practical case studies to enhance participants’ understanding and application of what they have learned in real-world scenarios.

Comprehensive training program for certified Shari’ah expert CSE       
Minhaj Advisory offers the comprehensive training program for the Certified Shari’ah Expert Fellowship, a distinguished program aimed at preparing and qualifying experts in the field of Islamic law to meet the needs of the Islamic financial market. The program focuses on providing deep and comprehensive knowledge in the areas of Islamic financial jurisprudence, Shari’ah rulings related to financial transactions, and mechanisms of Shari’ah interpretation. This program presents a golden opportunity for professionals seeking to enhance their competencies and advance their careers in the Islamic financial sector, while obtaining accreditation to enhance their credibility and status in the market.

Certified Islamic Professional Accountant – CIPA

CIPA is the only internationally recognized qualification in accounting for Islamic financial institutions, catering to all banking, investments, and Takaful segments. The program is intended towards development of, and enhancing of industry’s human resource capabilities by developing experts for Islamic finance accounting and financial reporting, audits, and Shari’ah audits.

AAOIFI Shari’ah Standards Training 
Our expertise in Shari’ah standards enables us in preparing Global Islamic Finance Human capital to face the unprecedented changes in Islamic economy and sharpen their expertise by training them in light of Shari’ah. Minhaj’s extensive international network propels us to sustain our mark in this domain as a leading training center in this region.

Fundamentals of Islamic Banking and Finance – FIBF
This training provides an introduction to the Islamic banking and finance and offers an overview of the financial services industry. it is ideal for those wishing to start a career in Islamic banking and finance, or for those wishing to further their studies and research related to this field. It covers the key Islamic banking and finance principles and concepts including Islamic economics and its worldview, infrastructure and history, Islamic business ethics, and Shari’ ah and Fiqh principles. More about FIBF

Islamic Finance Qualification – IFQ
The IFQ is a global industry leading qualification which covers Islamic finance from both a technical and a Shari’ah perspective. Developed by industry experts, the qualification will equip you for success in this rapidly developing field. It provides an understanding of the influence of Shari’ah in a business context and prepares candidates to hold key positions in the Islamic finance and Takaful (Islamic insurance) industries. More about IFQ

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Shari’ah Audit, Governance and Ethics Training Program SAGE
We offers “Sharia Auditing, Governance, and Ethics”, aimed at providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of Islamic law in financial institutions. The program covers vital topics such as Shari’ah auditing, fundamentals of sound governance, and ethical standards in Islamic financial work. This program is designed for professionals working in the Islamic financial sector, including Shari’ah auditors, governance managers, and legal advisors, to help them enhance transparency and credibility in their institutions. This program represents a unique opportunity to contribute to building a more transparent and effective Islamic financial system.
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International Introduction to Investment

The qualification covers key financial principles and products including assets and markets, equities, bonds, derivatives, investment funds, retirement planning, loans, mortgages and life assurance. It explores the broader economic environment in which the financial services industry operates and looks at how economic activity is determined and managed in different economic and political systems. This qualification offers a first introduction to financial services regulation focusing on financial crime, insider trading and market abuse, and provides candidates with an understanding of ethical behaviour and acting with integrity. More


International Certificate in Wealth and Investment Management 
ICWIM covers the essentials of financial planning, private client asset management, fund management, advisory functions and investment analysis from a global perspective. You will learn about the range of assets and investment products available in the market and you will gain the knowledge to provide financial advice and find appropriate solutions to meet the investment, retirement and protection planning needs for your clients. ICWIM is suitable for individuals engaged in private client asset management and fund accounting. More about ICWIM


Customized Training Programs
Minhaj Advisory offers a variety of training programs in the fields of Islamic finance, in addition to other on-demand courses, for institutions and companies wishing to train their employees. These programs include comprehensive training in various aspects of Islamic accounting, We also provide customized course design services tailored to meet each client’s specific needs, ensuring the delivery of training at the highest levels of quality and effectiveness.

Why Minhaj Training?

  • AAOIFI- First Gold Certified Education Partner in the World
  • An award-winning training centre.
  • Well-known experts in Islamic Finance world.
  • Established strategic partnerships with international organizations
  • Global Trainers network built over the past decade.
  • Specialized trainers in academic and practical aspects of Islamic finance.
  • Headquartered in Dubai – An easy access hub for the region
  • Multi-lingual training across the globe.

Minhaj depends on building strategic win-win relationships with international organizations, training centers and experts in Islamic Finance global landscape to provide its services.

Minhaj Advisory is an authorized training and examination center for multiple internationally accredited courses. We are established to curate an excellent community with heightened professionalism and deeper insights among candidates with each program/course. Our training programs include the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI) and the General Council for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (CIBAFI).

AAOIFI – Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Finance Institutions

First Gold Certified Education Partner in the World

Minhaj Advisory is the AAOIFI’s First Gold Certified Education Partner in the world and we are the only authorized AAOIFI Exam Centre in the United Arab Emirates. Our Industry leading trainers provide intensive training for the following AAOIFI Qualifications and Standards:

we also serve as an examination center for the AAOIFI in providing registration and training for its Professional certificates. We assist interested candidates to register for the professional certificates provided by the AAOIFI and prepare and train candidates to successfully appear for the exams at Minhaj Training.

CISI – Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment

Accredited Training Partner

Minhaj Advisory is an Accredited Training Partner (ATP) of Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments (CISI), headquartered at London. We are a leading trainer of four CISI Qualifications such as:

Accredited Training Partner

CIBAFI – Strategic Partner

Minhaj Advisory is a strategic partner of CIBAFI in providing training and registration for its professional development programs and we provide intensive training for the candidates who are appearing for its professional development qualifications.

Minhaj is an instrumental role player in the region in providing Training & Development for Islamic Finance institutions which plan to train its employees on IF, either in-house training or by cooperating with training centers. We serve all the IFIs including Islamic banks, Islamic financial markets, Asset management Companies and Islamic insurance (Takaful) etc.
These courses are offered for “new emerging” or “converting to” Islamic finance institution. We aim to prepare their human resource in meeting the challenges in light of Islamic Finance and these training courses cover all the divisions as per their needs and the services they offer.

In addition to a variety of training programs in the fields of finance and Islamic finance on demand, for institutions and companies interested in training their employees. These programs include comprehensive training in various aspects of Islamic accounting, asset management, and investments in accordance with Islamic principles. We also offer customized course design services that accurately meet the needs of each client, a diverse range of training courses in the fields of finance and Islamic finance, as well as other courses on demand, for institutions and companies interested in training their employees.

Minhaj assists global universities and academic institutions to launch Islamic Finance Courses and developing curriculums and reviewing and adding the recent developments in Islamic Finance domain.
By exploiting our extensive relations with experts, Minhaj can translate the international qualifications to another language for the organizations issuing such qualifications and wishing to expand internationally.
These courses are designed for the institution’s demands and the services it offers; the content and the outcome will be determined by understanding the institution’ requirements.
Minhaj organizes several Islamic finance events and conferences such as annual seminars, forums and Public awareness programs to keep pace with the developments in Islamic Finance landscape.
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